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reading to graduate (A Course Grade 11-12)..Assessment   Standards  Assessment  Curriculum  Materials 


1. Screening students to determine which ones need intervention.

  • FCAT Data with improvements for last 2 years

  • FAIR Data (Florida Assessment for Instruction in Reading) provides a plan for initial instruction

  • Comprehension Data ( Data from Action Research) provides items that will be emphasized throughout the course to raise comprehension level.

 2. Progress Mentoring assessments include both formative and summative structures. Formative assessments are ongoing  take the form of teacher observations, conferencing, and work tasks. Summative assessments render grades, but also drive remedial instruction. Formative: on-going evaluation for each level

  • Every exercise in texts are computer based and student progress can be made on a continual basis.

  • Maze   is recorded on all level one students and analyzed for efficient reading. Continue with current level and encourage outside reading.

  • Running record will be recorded on all students in level one and two until a 95% or higher is obtained.  Emphasize fluency and context clues

  • Summative given when a student completes a level

  • The assessments are computer based. 

  • 80% is considered mastery and will move a student to the next level.

  • Student log is maintained for each level.  All errors are recorded and a determination is made of why the question was answered incorrectly and is written down.   Grade evaluations are made from their effort. 

3.  Diagnostic:  tools helps establish the specific problem area

  •  The diagnostics are computer based (one for each level

  • > 74% move student to next level (comprehension satisfactory for level)

  • The diagnostic  provide a score, benchmarks that need more effort, and problems numbers missed.

  •  Provides lexile level ( level one 800 - 950) (level two 951 - 1050) (level three 1051 - 1100) (level four 1101 -  1200) 

  • If < 75% percent drop one level indicated by the FAIR assessment.  Focus on strategies to build comprehension and follow instructions in text.

4. Outome Measure allow a final assessment of individual student growth and the effectiveness of instructional programs. These outcome measures also encourage refinement of the whole process.

  •  To check a 10th - 12  graders progress this is an excellent  program. It is engaging and provides a learning opportunity.   If a score of 70% or higher is obtained it suggests a level 3 or higher can be obtained on the FCAT.  Contains 56 questions and 225 remedial pages and tells the student why the selection was right or wrong. Click here